Why You Should Brush Your Child’s Milk Teeth Every Day

As parents, you want the best for your children, especially for their health and well-being. One important aspect of their health that gets overlooked is their oral hygiene. You should teach your little ones the importance of brushing their teeth. It not only maintains a bright smile but also safeguards their dental health from an early age. But what happens when you forget to brush your child’s milk teeth regularly? In this article, you’ll explore the consequences of not brushing your child’s milk teeth daily. Also why it’s essential to focus on oral hygiene from the start.

What Happens if We Don’t Brush Our Teeth?

Neglecting to brush your child’s milk teeth can lead to some possible consequences. It impacts their oral health and overall well-being. Here’s what happens if we don’t brush our teeth daily:

  1. Tooth Decay (Cavities)
  2. Without regular brushing, plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, can build up on the teeth. Plaque produces acids that attack the tooth enamel, leading to cavities. Milk teeth are not immune to decay. Untreated cavities can cause pain, infection, and even premature loss of teeth.

  3. Gum Disease
  4. Poor oral hygiene can also lead to gum disease, such as gingivitis. Plaque can accumulate along the gumline. It can cause inflammation, redness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums. Gum disease can progress if left untreated. It can lead to more severe periodontal issues.

  5. Bad Breath
  6. Food particles, bacteria, and plaque accumulate in the mouth, resulting in bad breath. These substances can linger on the teeth, gums, and tongue when you don’t brush properly. It contributes to unpleasant odours.

  7. Difficulty Eating
  8. Dental issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease, can cause discomfort or pain while chewing. This can lead to reluctance or difficulty in eating certain foods. It can affect your child’s nutrition and growth.

  9. Speech Development Issues
  10. Missing or damaged teeth by decay can impact speech development in young children. Properly aligned teeth are essential for clear pronunciation of sounds. Dental problems may interfere with speech articulation.

  11. Crooked Permanent Teeth
  12. The health of milk teeth can influence the development of permanent teeth. Untreated decay or premature loss of milk teeth affects the alignment of permanent teeth. It can lead to crooked or misaligned teeth in the future.

Importance of Brushing Teeth

Brushing teeth is crucial for maintaining good oral hygiene and overall health. Here are several reasons highlighting the importance of brushing teeth:

  1. Prevention of Tooth Decay
  2. Brushing teeth helps remove plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth. Plaque produces acids that attack the enamel, leading to tooth decay (cavities). Regular brushing helps prevent plaque buildup and reduces the risk of cavities.

  3. Prevention of Gum Disease
  4. Gum disease, such as gingivitis and periodontitis, is caused by plaque and tartar accumulation along the gumline. Brushing teeth helps remove plaque, preventing gum inflammation, swelling, and bleeding. Proper oral hygiene prevents the progression of gum disease and maintains healthy gums.

  5. Fresh Breath
  6. Brushing teeth helps remove food particles, bacteria, and plaque that cause bad breath. A child should brush regularly, along with cleaning the tongue and using mouthwash. It helps keep your breath fresh and pleasant.

  7. Prevention of Tartar Buildup
  8. Tartar (calculus) is hardened plaque that forms on the teeth. It is the plaque which is not removed through brushing and flossing. Only a dentist or dental hygienist can remove tartar buildup. Regular brushing helps prevent tartar formation, reducing the risk of dental problems.

  9. Protection of Enamel
  10. Enamel is the outer layer of the teeth that protects them from decay. Brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste strengthens the enamel. It makes teeth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque and acidic foods and beverages.

  11. Prevention of Stains
  12. Brushing teeth helps remove surface stains caused by coffee, tea, and other pigmented foods and drinks. Regular brushing and professional dental cleanings help maintain a bright and white smile.

How to Clean Teeth and What is the Proper Way to Brush Teeth?

Cleaning teeth is an essential part of maintaining good oral hygiene. It keeps your child’s smiles bright and healthy. Let’s dive into the simple steps for how to clean teeth and the proper way to brush teeth:

  1. Gather Your Tools: Grab a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Make sure your toothbrush is the right size for your mouth and fits comfortably in your hand.
  2. Apply Toothpaste: Squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto the bristles of your toothbrush.
  3. Brush Away: Hold your toothbrush at a slight angle against your teeth and gums. Using small, gentle circular motions, brush the outer surfaces of your teeth. Don’t forget to brush the inside surfaces and the chewing surfaces too. Pay extra attention to those hard-to-reach back teeth and behind your molars. Brush your tongue gently to remove bacteria and keep your breath fresh.
  4. Take Your Time: Brush for at least two minutes. Set a timer or play your favourite song to make sure you’re brushing long enough. Don’t rush! Take your time to thoroughly clean all surfaces of your teeth.
  5. Rinse and Spit: After brushing, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. It removes any leftover toothpaste and debris. Spit out the toothpaste and rinse your toothbrush under running water.
  6. Clean Your Toothbrush: Shake off excess water from your toothbrush and store it upright to air dry. Replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months, or sooner if the bristles become frayed.
  7. Floss Like a Boss: Don’t forget to floss between your teeth at least once a day. Dental floss helps remove plaque and food particles that your toothbrush can’t reach.

Follow these simple steps and make brushing a part of your daily routine. Establish a daily oral hygiene routine for your child. It includes brushing their teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Use age-appropriate brushing techniques and schedule regular dental check-ups with a paediatric dentist. Additionally, promote healthy dietary habits and limit sugary snacks and drinks. It can further support your child’s oral health.

If you are in search of a play school for your toddlers, Kangaroo Kids International Preschool can be the best option for you. To learn more about the admission details, contact us today.