General Knowledge for Kids: Top 50 Questions & Answers

Curiosity and general knowledge are the threads that run through and weave the colourful tapestry of a child’s mind, crafting a rich foundation for lifelong learning. General knowledge for kids develops their curiosity, critical thinking, and comprehensive awareness of the world, acting as a compass across the vast expanse of information. With 50 thought-provoking questions and answers designed with young minds in mind, we embark on a mission to explore the wonders of general knowledge.

Wonder of General Knowledge for Kids

A child’s general knowledge is the foundation that supports their intellectual prowess. Understanding how the universe is interrelated is more important than merely learning information by heart. It opens their eyes, creates awe in them, and shapes them into future enlightened citizens.

Envision a youthful adventurer equipped with the awareness that 20% of the world’s oxygen is produced by the Amazon Rainforest or that the Great Wall of China is visible from space. A thirst for adventure and discovery is sparked by general knowledge, which opens up new vistas.

How to Improve General Knowledge for Kids?

It takes time, effort, and the correct resources to grow the basic general knowledge for kids. Here are some pointers for developing a wealth of knowledge:

  • Promote Reading: Books serve as windows to the outside world. Introduce your child to a range of genres and subjects to help them develop a love of reading. Make your living room into a school by watching documentaries and educational television. Watch educational programs and films that are appropriate for your age that make science, history, and culture come to life.
  • Interactive Learning: Utilizing educational applications, games, and puzzles to enhance learning may be entertaining. There are a gazillion resources out there that make learning exciting.
  • Family Conversations: Create a space where dialogue is encouraged, and inquiries are embraced. Give them intriguing information to know and solicit their thoughts. The process of learning is two-way.
  • Field trips: Expand education outside the confines of the house. Parks, museums, and historical places offer interactive experiences that improve memory.

General Knowledge Questions for Kids With Answers

  1. What is the capital of France?
  2. Answer: Paris

  3. How many continents are there in the world?
  4. Answer: Seven

  5. What is the largest mammal in the Sea?
  6. Answer: Blue Whale

  7. Who wrote ‘Tempest?’
  8. Answer: William Shakespeare

  9. What is the powerhouse of a cell?
  10. Answer: Mitochondria

  11. Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
  12. Answer: Mars

  13. Which is the largest ocean on Earth?
  14. Answer: Pacific Ocean

  15. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
  16. Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

  17. What is the capital of the United States?
  18. Answer: Washington, D.C.

  19.  In which year did Christopher Columbus discover America?
  20. Answer: 1492

  21. Which year did India get independence?
  22. Answer: 1947

  23.  Who is known as the ‘Father of Computers’?
  24. Answer: Charles Babbage

  25.  What is the currency of Japan?
  26. Answer: Japanese Yen

  27.  Which is the tallest mountain in the world?
  28. Answer: Mount Everest

  29.  Who invented the telephone?
  30. Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

  31.  Which planet is known as the ‘Morning Star’ or ‘Evening Star’?
  32. Answer: Venus

  33.  Which is the largest desert in the world?
  34. Answer: Sahara

  35.  Who wrote ‘Harry Potter’?
  36. Answer: J.K. Rowling

  37.  Which is the smallest prime number?
  38. Answer: Two

  39.  How many continents are there in the Southern Hemisphere?
  40. Answer: Three

  41.  Which is the largest planet in our solar system?
  42. Answer: Jupiter

  43.  Who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling?
  44. Answer: Michelangelo

  45.  What is the capital of Australia?
  46. Answer: Canberra

  47.  How many bones are there in an adult human body?
  48. Answer: 206

  49.  Which is the longest river in the world?
  50. Answer: Nile River

  51.  Who was the first President of the United States?
  52. Answer: George Washington

  53.  What is the process by which plants make their own food?
  54. Answer: Photosynthesis

  55.  In which galaxy is our solar system located?
  56. Answer: Milky Way

  57.  What is the speed of light?
  58. Answer: 299,792 kilometers per second

  59.  Who wrote ‘Matilda’ and ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’?
  60. Answer: Ronald Dahl

  61.  Which is the largest bird in the world?
  62. Answer: Ostrich

  63.  How many sides does a hexagon have?
  64. Answer: Six

  65.  Who painted ‘Starry Night’?
  66. Answer: Vincent van Gogh

  67.  What is the currency of China?
  68. Answer: Chinese Yuan

  69.  What is the capital of Brazil?
  70. Answer: Brasilia

  71.  Who discovered penicillin?
  72. Answer: Alexander Fleming

  73.  Which is the smallest planet in our solar system?
  74. Answer: Mercury

  75.  How many legs does a spider have?
  76. Answer: Eight

  77.  What is the currency of India?
  78. Answer: Indian Rupee

  79.  Who is known as the ‘Father of Modern Physics’?
  80. Answer: Albert Einstein

  81.  What is the largest animal on land?
  82. Answer: African Elephant

  83.  How many seconds are there in a minute?
  84. Answer: Sixty

  85.  Which is the capital of China?
  86. Answer: Beijing

  87.  Who wrote ‘The Cat in the Hat’?
  88. Answer: Dr. Seuss

  89.  What is the chemical symbol for gold?
  90. Answer: Au

  91.  Which is the smallest ocean on Earth?
  92. Answer: Arctic Ocean

  93.  Who wrote ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’?
  94. Answer: Harper Lee

  95.  Which is the largest volcano in the solar system?
  96. Answer: Olympus Mons (on Mars)

  97.  How many years are there in a century?
  98. Answer: One hundred

  99.  Who was the famous nurse during the Crimean War and is known for her work in nursing?
  100. Answer: Florence Nightingale

General knowledge for kids is essential in shaping well-rounded, inquisitive, and informed individuals. Through the journey of exploring these 50 thought-provoking questions and answers, we not only quench their thirst for learning but also plant the seeds for a lifelong quest for knowledge.