Effective Ways on How to Stop Bed Wetting for Your Child

Children develop at their individual rate and may continue to wet their beds as they grow, despite toilet training. Although it is not a medical problem, the overall situation could be challenging for parents and children to manage daily. The underlying issue is that the urinary bladder is still not matured.

Parents can work with their children to solve the issue of bedwetting by adopting a few methods. It is vital for parents to be mindful about making their children practice the methodologies rather than enforcing them with the solutions. The children need to learn progressively about ways that may prevent them from wetting the bed.

As children grow more curious over time, it is paramount to make them understand how to stop bedwetting and why to do so.

4 Common Reasons for Bedwetting:

If your child is still bedwetting even after starting school, and if that worries you, it is a normal feeling. Sometimes, you may also wonder if they are doing it intentionally, but they may not be. It is important to understand the common reasons that could lead to a child wetting the bed even after turning five years old or older.

There are several reasons for a child to wet the bed, especially at night, which may include:

  • Family History of Bed Wetting: Bedwetting is usually inherited from either or both of their parents if they suffered from the same problem in their childhood. You can go back to your childhood memories to find out if you were regularly bedwetting as a toddler, which could be one of the reasons your child continues to wet the bed today.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Several studies have proven that stress and anxiety in children are associated with bedwetting. Psychosocial problems among children, especially during their schooling years, often cause anxiety, which develops over time. With such psychological problems, urological problems also increase, including bedwetting activity.
  • Sleep disorders: Sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea can lead to bedwetting problems in children. It is vital for parents to regulate a positive sleep cycle for the child to ensure they are sleeping in the correct posture and for a fixed duration at night. Look for signs and symptoms in your child to understand if the reason for bedwetting irregular sleep is, and in the worst scenarios, sleep apnea. Consult with a doctor if needed to assess if any medical concerns arise.
  • Diabetes: Juvenile Diabetes or Type 1 Diabetes is a common medical condition among children. One of the major symptoms is the loss of bladder control, and bedwetting could be the first sign of diabetes. If your child is persistent in wetting the bed despite toilet training over the years, you may have to consider consulting a doctor for diagnosis.

Why is it Important to Stop Bedwetting?

Bedwetting is not only associated with challenges in managing bedding or clothes soaked in urine. A child may also feel embarrassed, leading to unavoidable stress and anxiety. It is vital to check for symptoms of causes of bedwetting if the problem persists in your child.

Nevertheless, curing or stopping the habit of bedwetting among children is vital for several reasons.

  • Low self-esteem: While some children can stop bedwetting with efficiency, some children may take time to learn to do so. Until then, bedwetting could cause guilt, considering it to be wrong, and even embarrassment if seen in urine-soaked clothes. Such a repeated situation may cause your child to have lower self-esteem, which may take time to overcome.
  • Social issues: If your child has bedwetting issues, he or she may often refrain from attending school camps or sleepovers with friends. It may lead to a loss of social opportunities and a feeling of missing out over time. 
  • Physical issues:Rashes are common issues that children may have due to bedwetting as they sleep in their urine-soaked clothes throughout the night. The chances of infection in the genital areas also increase, which could create serious medical issues.

Eight ways to cure bedwetting:

Bedwetting is not a permanent problem. It is vital for parents to understand the cause and effect of bedwetting. It is always advisable for parents to consult a doctor to assess the various reasons for bedwetting if the following bedwetting solutions do not yield positive results.

  • Management: Ideally, when bedwetting is managed effectively, a child is able to learn about bladder control faster.
  • Raising awareness: Parents should raise awareness among children to understand bedwetting and the need for prevention.
  • Diagnosis: A pre-screening for medical issues (if any) for your child is a must before beginning to cure bedwetting at home.
  • Sleep regulation: Ensure that your child is sleeping right by assessing the time, duration, and posture, which could prevent bedwetting due to sleep disorders.
  • Diet: Avoid giving food that causes constipation. Fluid intake regulation with efficient time management during the night.
  • Enuresis alarm: A sensor alarm that works similarly to a watch helps detect wet bedsheets or clothes, which can help a child wake up to change clothes, avoiding infections or wetness.
  • Scheduler: Parents can observe the urinary cycle of children throughout the day for a week or two, especially at night. They can wake the child when they know it is their time to empty the bladder.
  • Never give up: Remind your child to keep trying to manage bedwetting; do not make them feel guilty or embarrassed. Let your child know it is a practice that can change rather than emphasising it as a problem.

Bedwetting can be managed effectively over time with the right approach. At Kangaroo Kids International School, we ensure that students feel safe and relaxed. To learn more about our curriculum, contact us today!