Discovering the importance of co-curricular activities in school

Learning is not all that one reads in a textbook and writes on an examination paper. Learning should be about the overall growth of the child. Overall growth includes intellectual growth, emotional growth, physical growth, and of course social growth. But how would a child learn so much in school? That is where co-curricular activities come into the picture. While textbooks can provide children with theoretical knowledge, co-curricular activities help with so much more.

Let’s learn what co-curricular activities are and why co-curricular activities are important in school.

What are co-curricular activities?

The word curriculum refers to a standardised syllabus set for students in any academic institution. The curriculum helps learn through specific topics that are considered relevant to different standards. The word co-curriculum refers to any activity, program, and learning experience that helps support the learning set in the curriculum. Through co-curricular activities, children learn beyond theoretical knowledge. Co-curricular activities are often designed to complement the standardised curriculum in order to support holistic growth.

Several types of co-curricular activities help with different aspects of a child’s growth. Some co-curricular activities examples are debate, writing school newspapers, theatre groups, different music groups, chess clubs, spelling bees, etc.

Why are co-curricular activities important in school?

The importance of co-curricular activities is endless. However, let’s see some of the major benefits:

Enhancing skills:

Children always show their interest and enhanced skills in something when they are young be it art, music, or education. We must help them pursue that interest and hone their talent. Through co-curricular activities such as music clubs, theatre groups, debates, chess clubs, etc., the child gets a platform to learn more about what they love.

Complete Development:

Co-curricular activities help a child learn and grow holistically. Instead of being limited to textbooks, they learn through participation, teamwork, and socialising. This helps them with their social skills, communication, confidence, and collaboration. Being around peers and participating in activities also helps them identify and realise their interests. They learn more from others and help them learn as well.

Character Building:

Working with others and getting to do what they love develops a sense of companionship, empathy, and connection towards others. This helps the children understand their teammates better and also learn how to advance while taking others along. It builds better critical thinking, reasoning, and morality. It also generates a healthy competition to drive the children towards achieving their dreams.

Balancing Lifestyle:

Co-curricular activities provide a refreshing break from the curriculum while never hindering the learning process. This helps children learn more engagingly and interestingly. This helps control stress and revive their minds away from the academic loads.

Nurturing Social Connections:

Co-curricular activities bring the children closer to their peers through their shared interests. They find company in each other doing the activities that they love and enjoy. This builds a social connection as well as a sense of empathy, understanding, and acceptance towards one another. Children meet and acknowledge different cultures, and diversities of the society.

Unleashing Creativity:

Co-curricular activities help strike a chord with the inner creative side of the children. They face their interests and are motivated to pursue it. Co-curricular clubs help them hone their creative talents while learning through them. Every child is born a genius and only the right opportunities make them grow in it. The importance of co-curricular activities is to help them know and follow their interests and talents.

So, now you know why your child needs more than just textbook knowledge and why co-curricular activities are important in school. Schools are where the children spend most of their time and learn from. If this place of growth and knowledge can bring them closer to their talents then that is possible through co-curricular activities. A child is the quickest learner, and their brains are at their optimum capacity while growing. Thus, school is the perfect place to introduce them to their talents and interests. Also, finding peers who share the same interests often makes it easier for the kids to socialise and learn more efficiently.

At Kangaroo Kids International Preschool, we understand the importance of co-curricular activities and aim to give your child the environment to grow not just through theoretical learning but ample co-curricular opportunities. To learn more about our curriculum, call us today.