Why is Parent-Teacher Communication Critical for Your Child’s Success?

Communication between parents and teachers is more than just a process that helps improve a student’s or child’s grade. If a child’s parents and teachers communicate better, it promotes better social development.

This is because educating a child is not the sole responsibility of the school. There needs to be a lot of communication between home and school to create a safe learning environment for children.

Read this blog to learn about the importance of parent teacher communication and how it affects your students’ development.

If a Child is Struggling, the Parents and Teachers Must Work Together

In education, the most important relationship is between teachers and parents. When a parent and teacher work together to ensure their child’s learning, a child’s success in school can be improved.

Parents should talk to teachers about their children and their progress, even if it’s only once or twice a year. Parents should also be involved in deciding how they want their children to learn best.

Both Parents and Teachers Want Their Students to Succeed

You know what students need, but your parents don’t. The same goes for teachers and their children. Parents want their children to succeed, just as teachers want for the students. They simply have different opinions about how to best attain that aim. The key is finding a way for both parties to work together toward a common goal: helping each child become the best person they can be when they graduate from high school and receive an education that prepares them for college or a career, whatever that path may be.

Communication Should Be Open To All

Communication is important but should not be limited to teachers and parents. Teachers must be able to communicate with other teachers and administration. Parents must also have open communication channels with each other, with the principal and the administration.

Parents Must Stay Involved in School Events

As a parent, it is important to understand that your children are the most important people in your life. This means that you should be involved in every aspect of their life and future.

Parents need to be updated about school events. This can include the child’s grades, extracurricular activities, behavior problems, etc.

Communication Must be Ongoing and Consistent

While it is true that teachers know their students best, there is much more to learning than just grades and test scores. Parents of students with special needs have years of experience working with children in schools so that they can provide valuable information about your child’s development and needs. It is important that parents communicate openly and honestly with parents about any concerns they have about their child’s progress, behavior problems at home or school, future goals, etc.

Maintains a Positive Working Relationship with the Child and the Teacher

It is important to communicate with your child’s teacher because you want to ensure that the child is doing well in school and achieving the goals set for him. The teacher also needs to know what you expect from them so they can help the child achieve those goals. If there is a problem – it is much easier for everyone involved if it can be resolved quickly and effectively through communication between parents and teachers.

Improved Chances for Children to Succeed in School

When parents and teachers work together, kids can achieve academic success. Teachers want the best for their students, but success requires parental collaboration. Parents need to be aware of what is happening in the classroom and make sure their child is getting what they need from the teachers. Both parties should have open communication regarding student performance and behavior issues. This makes it easier for teachers to address issues as quickly as possible.

Parents should also regularly communicate with administrators if they have concerns about how a teacher interacts with their child or other students. Asking questions is an important part of staying engaged with your child and their education.


Parents must be involved in the events of the child and school to support their teacher and stay informed. The school should contact parents on a regular basis via newsletters or emails, however communication breakdowns do occur. Parents should always feel welcome at school and should have the opportunity to be more involved in their child’s education if they wish.

At Kangaroo Kids International School, we understand the importance of communication with parents is paramount. Regular updates via newsletters or emails keep parents informed, yet occasional communication breakdowns can occur. We prioritize creating a welcoming atmosphere where parents feel valued and encouraged to participate in their child’s education. Our open-door policy ensures parents have opportunities to engage with teachers and school events. Whether through parent-teacher meetings, volunteering, or attending school functions, we believe collaborative efforts between parents and educators enhance students’ academic journey. We also recognize that parental involvement is integral to nurturing a supportive learning environment and fostering student success.