10 Key Tips: Supporting Your Child with Homework!

Do you often find yourself all confused and scratching your head over your child’s homework assignments? Do you struggle for hours when helping your children with their homework? Don’t worry; it is a common struggle for many parents. But it does not have to be that way! This blog will provide some interesting tips for parents on children’s homework that can help you turn the tables and strike the right balance between providing support for your little ones and letting them be independent.

Importance of Homework in Your Kid’s Life

Homework plays a significant role in your kid’s academic journey in several ways-

  1. It acts as a bridge between classroom learning and applying it in real life independently.
  2. Homework cultivates important skills like time management, responsibility, and self-discipline in your children.
  3. It encourages children to dig deeper into the subjects and particular topics.
  4. It leads to cognitive development, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

10 Homework Tips for Parents

Some useful homework tips for parents with similar struggles in their daily lives are listed here to shed some light on different approaches to supporting their children in doing homework. From establishing a dedicated homework space to encouraging a positive mindset, these homework tips for parents will equip them properly to tackle homework challenges with confidence.

  1. Discuss homework: Homework is essential to a child’s learning and development journey. Before starting with your kid’s homework, encourage them to think about and discuss the assigned work with your child. Even if your child has limited knowledge on the subject, you can motivate them to try and find their answers.
  2. Identify teachers’ expectations: Actively attend your kids’ school events and interact with their teachers. Ask the teachers about their children’s homework policies and how you can be involved in their homework. Identify the approach the teacher follows to teach or provide assignments. This will help guide your children with their homework.
  3. Set up a study area: Set up a study space for your kids and provide them with a more stimulating environment. Ensure the study area is well-lit, comfortable, and stocked properly with school supplies (pens, paper, pencils, staplers, rulers, calculators, etc.) and other references. Also, make sure the area is quiet and free from distractions.
  4. Maintain regular study time: Setting a regular time for your kid’s homework should be a top priority. It will control their behavioural problems and increase productivity and organisation. Gather some paper and markers, help them make a schedule after school, and allocate time for homework, outdoor time, sleep, chores, etc. Time slots can be distributed around your kid’s preference, availability, favourable environment, productivity patterns, and availability of parents.
  5. Help them prepare a study plan: Help them plan or strategise their homework by analysing the amount of homework and what it involves. Breaking down the homework into smaller parts can be useful for the child. Some kids wish to solve harder assignments when mental energy levels are the highest, while others prefer to solve the easier ones first. By helping kids create and follow a strategy for homework, you’ll empower them to be independent and organised as they grow up.
  6. Control distractions: One of the helpful homework tips for parents is to avoid distractions in the study area. Do not place TVs, play loud music, or take phone calls around the study area.
  7. Self-work: Kids can only learn if they think for themselves. Encourage them to think, make their own mistakes, and correct themselves in learning. This is one of the tips for parents that will shape your kid’s mindset and contribute to their cognitive development.
  8. Motivate & Monitor: Take time to ask your children homework assignments, tests, quizzes, etc. Guide them when you feel like they are stuck at some point. Encourage them, check their completed homework, and make yourself available to them for any questions and concerns.
  9. Praise their work & talent: The need for parents’ validation is built into every one. Children look up to their parents for praising them and validating their hard work. So always praise your kids and pat their backs for a good job.
  10. Set a good example: Being a role model in your child’s life is very important, as a child usually follows what their parents do. Hence, it is very important to incorporate certain healthy practices to motivate and encourage your child to complete their homework happily.

Final Tips

  • Be there: You do not have to do the kid’s homework yourself. However, being around them when they study would provide them with confidence. If you feel they are stuck somewhere, take their mind off the subject for a while and refresh them by taking a quick break.
  • Don’t forget the study skills: Keep reminding your child about the importance of homework and the expectations set by their educators when homework is assigned. One of the major study skills here is following a study or homework routine daily by creating a timetable.
  • Encourage kids to reach out: Most teachers make themselves available for extra help for their students. Encourage your kid to ask for help if needed. Make them feel comfortable enough to come to you in case they have any problems with homework or otherwise.

Kids achieve and excel more in school when parents actively participate in their homework. Be a good example for your kids by showing them your keen interest in learning. The importance of homework is immense in a child’s educational life, and supporting them to complete the homework on time is a crucial duty of parents. Unlock your child’s full potential at Kangaroo Kids International School. Here, we prioritise your child’s all-around development besides nurturing their academic skills. Connect with us today and take the first step towards the bright future of your little ones.