The iCan learning system has been developed to prepare our children to not just live but thrive in rapidly changing digital world and an extremely disruptive external world by harnessing their inner selves with the right skills & habits.

A World Within For The New-Age Child

We have REimagined and REcreated a whole new concept in learning. Setting up new learning experiences for our young minds to make their first five years count.

  • 9 Future Skills
  • Our Five Pillars
  • 15 Habits of the Mind
  • Methodology
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9 Future Skills

As the world is constantly evolving and changing, we can neither predict how the future world will be for our children nor plan for it. What we can do is prepare them for it by developing the 9 Future Skills. No matter how the world changes, these future skills will equip our children to make the right choices that will lead towards a life of success and fulfillment.

  • *Source: World Economic Forum

15 Habits of Mind

We have picked 15 Habits of Minds that are developmentally appropriate because we believe that children as young as 2 years old need to be exposed to them with deliberate practices and focused attention so that they can grow as thinkers and navigate and thrive in the face of unprecedented change.

Adapted from Arthur Costa’s work Developing Minds.

Our Five Pillars

Delivering through Fluidic Learning Methodology

Our Learning System is agile and fluid, keeping in mind the dynamic world our children are growing up in. We believe each child is unique and brings in their own sets of strengths. With Fluidic Learning Methodology, the what, how, and when to learn remains highly flexible, and runs smoothly between the digital and physical worlds. It enables seamless coming together of what has to be learned, the learning stimulation, facilitator and the learner’s need attitude and innate personality.

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